RSS Catholic News

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This year we are asking everyone to help with the Holy Angels School project as a way to help these young people have a school where they can grow together in their faith.  Please partner with us in this humanitarian effort.

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“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.”  Prov 17:19

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RSS Catholic Life

  • St. Peter Chanel (Priest and Martyr) April 28, 2024
    The son of a French peasant, St. Peter Chanel (1803-1841) became a priest as a young man, and within three years brought about a spiritual renewal in his parish by showing great devotion to the sick. However, he desired to be a missionary, and at age twenty-eight joined the Society of Mary (the Marists). For […]
    Saints Editor

Advent Prayer

Here at the beginning of Advent, in the gospel reading from Mark 13:33-37, Jesus tells us “Be Watchful!  Be Alert!”.  This call is to let go of the world, the ways it can trap us, spending our time other than reflecting in prayer. We must listen to God’s call...

Where are you headed?

It is becoming harder and harder to have normal conversations in our society where we dialogue to understand one another. Many have gone to “my way or the highway”. Moral theology is seen from studying God by the perspective of how one lives in order to come to know...

Jesus, the Bread of Life

This is the final year of the three year celebration of the Eucharist. In the Roman Catholic Tradition, Catholics believe John chapter 6, that Jesus gave himself and does so each day. Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger,...

Persistence in Prayer

Today, we will hear the gospel for the twenty-ninth Sunday about the widow and the unjust judge, a parable about a widow who is persistent in seeking justice and a judge who finally gives in because of her perseverance (Luke 18: 1-8). In the very first verse it says,...

The Sower and the Seed

Today’s reading is from Luke 8:-15 where people are coming from everywhere to hear what Jesus has to say and I am sure to see him perform miracles. It is more though about listening. Here Jesus uses a parable with four conditions of people in their lives. Later his...

What is a follower of Christ?

What does it mean to be a Christian, a follower of Christ? Every ounce of who we are must be given to God without exception. St. Paul, in speaking about what it meant to be an apostle, said this, “For I think that God has exhibited us apostles as...

Do you Believe?

In Advent, we reflect upon Jesus’ first coming and again, his second coming when he will come in glory with his angels. During our lifetime, we come to believe many things and live our lives according to those beliefs. As Catholics, we profess our belief in God at least...

What is Sin?

Jesus started his ministry preaching, “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel.” (Mark 1:15). He had arrived on the scene, and being almighty God, the way, the truth and the life, he would be obedient to his...

Prayer of the Heart

Many people have all kinds of ideas about prayer and what it is. Some say it is an appointment with God that you make every day. Others a communion with God that is ongoing, while others say it is a conversation, like friends meeting for coffee. The church teaches...

Reflecting Upon Our Salvation

In reflecting upon our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, it is important in these times to remember that Jesus came to save all of humanity. God from the beginning has been reaching out to each of us to “repent and believe the good news.” But what does it...
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