RSS Catholic News

  • Spanish archbishop slams government’s obsession with the Catholic Church
    Oviedo Archbishop Jesús Sanz Montes accused the government of focusing "in a biased and manipulative way on the problem of pedophilia as something attributable only to the Catholic Church." / Credit: Archdiocese of Oviedo ACI Prensa Staff, May 2, 2024 / 18:50 pm (CNA). “They have done it again. It is a kind of obsessive […]

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This year we are asking everyone to help with the Holy Angels School project as a way to help these young people have a school where they can grow together in their faith.  Please partner with us in this humanitarian effort.

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“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.”  Prov 17:19

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RSS Catholic Life

  • Restoring Christian Culture: The Mission of Young Catholics May 3, 2024
    Most people born in the late nineties and into the two-thousands have lived their childhoods and adolescent years deeply immersed in the secularist, technocratic culture of our age. In fact, whether we realize it or not, many of us have received more of our human formation from television screens, Apple products, social media feeds, and […]
    Matthew Uzdavinis

Stop the world, I want to get off

This is what many people are feeling right now. With job loss, depression, loneliness, etc. people at times feel overwhelmed. Jesus on the other hand said, “I came so that they may have life and have it more abundantly.” So where is the perceived disconnect from the promises of...

John the Baptist

Jesus said of John, there was no man born greater than John. John was the last Old Testament prophet, bridging the beginning of the New Testament. He was the one ‘crying out in the desert, prepare the way of the Lord’ for Jesus’ arrival. John would point to Jesus...

Feast of Christ the King

Today throughout the world, the feast of Christ the King is celebrated in the Catholic Church.  There are still kings in this world, so many people can still relate to this, but Christ is given many titles.  In today’s gospel, he is given the title “King of the Jews”,...

Faithful to the End

2 Maccabees 7. This is one of the best stories in the old testament showing the faithfulness of a family who freely gave their lives to follow God.  It is staged around 169 B.C.  As the story unfolds, this king, Antiochus IV, forces the Jews to choose between eating...

Grace Unmerited

Grace can be thought of as unmerited favor. God gives grace to everyone, everyday and at every moment reaching out to each of us, all the while calling us to repentance.  In Revelations 3:20, we see God’s heart revealed, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone...

What does God want?

Throughout my life, people have asked me, what does God want of me.  I think the best scripture to reflect on comes from Micah 6:8 where God reveals the following. “You have been told, O mortal, what is good, and what the LORD requires of you: Only to do...


Recently, I reviewed Bishop Barron’s reflection on St. Francis with my men’s group.  Soon after my initial experience with God, St. Francis became my ideal saint to read and understand.  Bishop Barron presented Francis in the light of  being most like a radical Christian who wanted to follow Jesus...

Reflection by Fr. Larry Thorpe

Pentecost is my favorite religious celebration.  It is often called the “Birthday of the Church” since absent the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles, there would be no Church today.  The Holy Spirit was present at creation referenced as the “Ruah Elohim” in Hebrew or the “Life ...


In just under a week, we celebrate the feast of Pentecost. The readings begin to focus on the coming of the Holy Spirit and during these nine days preceding Pentecost, we pray to grow closer to the third person of the trinity and to be filled with the gifts...

The Bread of Life

Today, we come to the end of John 6, the discourse on the bread of life, in the gospel readings in this Easter season. The last couple of weeks we have heard Jesus proclaim that he is the bread of life, the manna God the Father sent to all...
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