RSS Catholic News

  • CPAC: Social conservatives shift from playing defense to offense
    American Principles Project President Terry Schilling. / Credit: Courtesy of CPAC/Screenshot Washington D.C., Feb 21, 2025 / 19:50 pm (CNA). In the wake of the 2024 election and with Republicans in full control of the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives, social conservatives gathering at the 2025 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) said they […]

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RSS Catholic Life

  • The Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle February 22, 2025
    The Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle is a feast that celebrates the authority and mission given by Christ to St. Peter and his successors. It symbolizes the unity of the Church under the Pope, the Bishop of Rome, who continues Peter’s role as the visible head of the Church on earth. The feast, observed […]
    Saints Editor

Where are you headed?

It is becoming harder and harder to have normal conversations in our society where we dialogue to understand one another. Many have gone to “my way or the highway”. Moral theology is seen from studying God by the perspective of how one lives in order to come to know God and attain eternal life. Maybe a better way to state this is through dialogue, we can better know God by understanding God’s ways and living out a life reflecting that understanding by making right decisions in life leading us closer to God.

Without a common consensus we can come to live in chaos never finding the peace we desire for our lives. So, where are we headed, if we continue down that road. In Amos 3 we see God asking questions related to life. In verse 3, God says “Do two journey together unless they have agreed?” Later in verse 7 God says, “Indeed the Lord God does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” God realizes that for us to succeed we have to come to agreement to move forward. Think about the questions God asks here, “Does a bird swoop down on a trap on the ground when there is no lure for it?” or “Does a young lion cry out from its den unless it has seized something?” There is causation for all things that happen.

As humans, we have the ability to reason and discuss with each other what life is all about and come to conclusions about life, about God and what he wants for our lives. Dialogue is meant to listen to each other and discuss our lives and ultimately what happens after this life is over. It also includes how we live together in the here and now. By discussing where we are headed, we can also see where we have come and where we are currently. This can allow us to discuss our life and grow to understand what it means to change course and find in that new direction, an exciting journey filled with new adventures.

I believe God is calling all of humanity to know him. If we really love one another, we must reflect our deep concern for others and be willing to risk reaching out to have those conversations. Otherwise, we will end up in further chaos and we will not know peace in this life or the life to come. Every human being has dignity of themselves. God has created each in his own image, but do we see that, do we live that out through mutual respect for each other. I believe we are all headed either toward God or away from God. One has to consider the ramifications of that. It is okay to ask questions and each one should be able to do that without being judged or feeling that any one human has all the answers. God alone has all the answers we need to understand. He has created a void in our hearts, because of sin that only he can fill. It is only when that void is filled up, that we find purpose and direction for our lives.

I would like to recommend that you take a moment to talk to someone and get to know them. It is a wonderful experience to meet new people each day and get to know a little bit more about them each day. As we dialogue, may our conversations include God and the question, “Where are we headed?” Let it come naturally in your conversation and be open to others journeys in this life. You might find we have more in common than anyone realizes. May you be blessed this week, and may you know how unique you are to God and to each other. Live Jesus!

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