RSS Catholic News

  • HHS to review programs to prevent taxpayer funding for abortions
    null / Credit: JHVEPhoto/Shutterstock CNA Staff, Jan 29, 2025 / 14:35 pm (CNA). Acting Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Dr. Dorothy Fink announced this week that the agency will review its budget to ensure that taxpayer funds are not being used to pay for or promote elective abortions.In a Monday statement, […]

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“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.”  Prov 17:19

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RSS Catholic Life

  • Animal Worship and Human Sacrifice January 29, 2025
    Pregnant Cow That Broke Free on New Jersey Highway Inspires New Legislation. That was the headline on January 22, 2019, from a CBS news affiliate in New Jersey.  A cow had jumped off a truck which was ten minutes from the slaughter house.  A gushing young anchorwoman said this “daring escape” by the cow inspired […]
    Fr. Kevin Drew

Reflection by Fr. Larry Thorpe

Pentecost is my favorite religious celebration.  It is often called the “Birthday of the Church” since absent the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles, there would be no Church today.  The Holy Spirit was present at creation referenced as the “Ruah Elohim” in Hebrew or the “Life  Giving Breath of God.”  The Holy Spirit is evidenced at the passage through the Red Sea as the wind that moved the waters.  The Holy Spirit is present at the baptism of Jesus, proclaiming him to be the Son of God.  In every event, the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life proceeds from the Father and the Son.  Every time the priest extends his hands over the bread and win at Mass, it is the Holy Spirit that changes the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.

Therefore, to be faithful members of the Church, we must listen to and follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit.   I suggest that the Holy Spirit is like a freight train coming down the tracks at high speed.  We can choose to stand on the tracks and try to stop the train; OR we can jump on the train and make it the greatest rid of our life.  I choose the latter.  God’s will be done!  Trust me, it will be anyway, but it is better to be riding on the train than standing on the tracks.

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