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  • Supreme Court will decide on parental right to shield children from gender ideology in school
    U.S. Supreme Court. / Credit: PT Hamilton/Shutterstock Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jan 17, 2025 / 19:00 pm (CNA). The United States Supreme Court agreed to hear a case that will determine whether parents have a right to opt their children out of public school coursework that promotes homosexuality, transgenderism, and sexual content.Catholic, Orthodox, and Muslim parents […]

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“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.”  Prov 17:19

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RSS Catholic Life

  • Why Should Non-Catholics Be Evangelized? January 17, 2025
    When I was a child in the 1950’s, we wanted to convert the world. Kids would say “I want to go to China” or “I want to go to the Middle East.” That missionary fervor is gone now. With these words, an old priest I knew expressed his dismay at the lost confidence in the […]
    Jacob Gillick

The Search for Wisdom

What is wisdom and why do humans pursue it relentlessly?  In the wisdom books, we see three aspects of its teaching.

  1. Wisdom is defined in terms of a person, normally thought of as the Holy Spirit.
  2. Those who seek to know God will find that wisdom resides with the Lord and is obtainable for those who fear him.
  3. That wisdom teaches us about the many aspects of life; sickness, suffering, death, hope, life itself.

In Genesis 1:27, we read “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”  It is important to read this.  God created us in the image of God.  In the book of Wisdom, God describes wisdom as a her.  “For wisdom is a kindly spirit, yet she does not acquit blasphemous lips.” That being said, there has always been debate over this, as more theologians describe the Holy Spirit more in terms of Christ the logos.  God is spirit, so our understanding is not full.  Yet, God chose to create us in the image of God, so there is more to God than we can fully grasp.

Second, the Wisdom books teach much in terms of the fear of the Lord as the beginning of wisdom.  Fear here should be thought of as reverence for God and for his ways.  When we give ourselves over to God, he sends the Holy Spirit upon us to teach us and give us a wisdom that is beyond the wisdom of this world.  James, in speaking of true wisdom says, “Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show his works by a good life in the humility that comes from wisdom.”  He goes on to compare those who boast, who have jealousy and selfish ambition in their hearts having a wisdom that is earthly, unspiritual, demonic, living in disorder and foul practices.  In comparison, he says wisdom from God is “pure, then peaceable, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits, without inconstancy or insincerity.”  Those who seek God and his ways, will come to know this wisdom.

Finally, in all of the wisdom books, we see various sayings about aspects of life and how we are to live.  As an example, in Proverbs 15:1, we read, “A mild answer turns back wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”  When I was 21 years old, I woke up one morning and in my prayer time, I received this word.  At first it did not mean much to me.  Later that day, I was out hunting with a priest friend of mine and a lady from our prayer group.  They asked me to go one way and they would drive the dogs around the woods hoping the rabbits we were hunting would be driven towards me.  Sure enough it happened just like they said and I got the first rabbit of the day.  I went over by the creek to clean the rabbit.  Being near the creek, it was a bit loud as the water rushed by.  Suddenly, I heard a click behind me and a gun was placed in the back of my head.  After that, I heard anger from a man I could not see.  He said I was here the last weekend and shot towards his children.  As this began to take place, peace come over me and that word from the morning came to my mind.   I began to speak mildly to the man telling him it was my first time being there and I was with the owner of the land and hopefully they would soon be here.  We talked for what seemed like an eternity.  Then I saw a woman with a rifle pointed at me as she was coming towards me.  As I continued to speak mildly, she listened and began to take my side.  She finally convinced her husband that I was not the person that had fired toward their children.  God’s word was so powerful, it taught me a lesson to listen to what I hear in my prayer time.  I was very thankful to God that day.  When the owner and my priest friend finally came, I shared with them what happened.  She said she knew the people and would later go and speak with them.  In the past, I would have been angry and most likely done something that would have led to a worst outcome.  God is so good, all the time.

There is much wisdom God wants to share with us for our lives that can guide us, if we would spend time reading, praying and listening, allowing God to teach us.  In this world, we have so many things to distract us from spending time with God.  He wants to show us his plan for our lives and allow us to come to the full realization of that plan.  Until next time, may you spend time with God listening and growing.

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